The project Racines du Ciel Performances aims to organise and guide the achievement of large collective drawings, made with Chinese ink, by hundreds of participants of all ages.
During these performances, participants are encouraged to trust their spontaneous movements. When we release control and trust the fragility of our gesture, the brush resonates with the dark areas of the photographed subject, which has been printed in soft tones on kraft paper. Whether they are trees or standing stones, they are all symbols of the axis which connects the heaven and the earth.
Once their inking is complete, participants can send a quick note to the person who will take over. Writing a message that comes from the heart to talk about your experience, share an emotion, or share a discovery, is to materialize the human bonds that work collectively at the Roots of Heaven, or as we say in French, Racines du Ciel. It is to echo the work of the hand, which reveals the existing image and follows in the footsteps of those that came before it, while thinking of those that will come after it.
Connections are created during the event. Once the giant photographic matrices have been inked, they become polyphonic drawings, a living testimony of the creative power of the group that gathered for the occasion.
The prints which are later produced allow us to follow the universal black strokes left on the paper. They try to connect and reveal the presence of the breath that circulates along the Heaven-Earth axis.